Starter Ecology of Practices

Before starting off, take a moment to help us understand where you are:

Do you identify with one of the following?

  • I’m new to intentional daily practice
  • I want to strengthen my daily practices and experience more depth, nuance and meaning in life
  • I want to diversify my daily practices, and am excited to explore new approaches.

If any of these apply to you, our Starter Ecologies of Practice (SEoP) might be a great fit!

An Ecology of Practices (EoP) is a set of practices designed to balance and accelerate well-being and growth.

Our Starter EoP is an accessible way to build momentum for a habit of daily practice that contains both depth and breadth. 

The current iteration of the SEoP is via 4 weekly, (up to) 30-min “practice sessions”, via recordings organized in a free course here on ATM. These practice sessions are easy to drop into–no lectures, no need to take notes. Practice sessions can be like a yoga class in the gym or morning stretching and meditation at home.  Some sessions revolve around solo practice, but within the fellowship/community of others following the same program.

Respond’s Meta-curriculum for Wisdom Practices shows how the four sessions offers you access across the DIME map (Dialogue, Imaginal, Mindfulness and Embodiment)

These four sessions break down as follows:

1. Journaling – in these sessions we’ll be mostly dropping into silence together. The facilitator for the session will offer the journaling structure for the day, and some prompts of things to consider.

2. Embodiment – we’ll have two flavors of sessions for these, one will be more active, high energy and one will be slower/gentle energy. Both will be guided by the facilitator, with the intention of bringing awareness to the range and subtleties of our somatic experience.

3. Meditation – this is also largely a session where we drop into silence together. Different flavors of meditation across sessions. If you’ve never meditated before,  there’s no need to worry about ‘thirty-minutes?!’ You can go at your own pace. Try for 1 min, take a break, try for 3, or just a minute and a half. You can be self-paced within the context of the larger facilitated guided session.

4. Authentic Relating – we will play “relating games” to practice expressions that more accurately reflect our inner experience in relationship (even just 1% more is considered success). These are highly interactive and verbal experiences we engage with as a full group, or in triads and pairings.

If your current practices feel incomplete, or stagnant, or you’d like the support of a fellowship of people showing up to practice to help you stay on track, please check out our free Starter Ecology of Practice Self-Directed course.