Awaken to Meaning – Release of Liability Form v1.02
Release of Liability Form
Thank you for your participation in Awaken to Meaning, herein referred to as (“ATM”). We are very pleased to have you attend practice sessions and workshop’s, herein referred to as (“workshops”). Because of the nature of the physical and emotional experiences in our events and courses, this Release of Liability herein referred to as (“Release”) is required as a condition of your participation in Awaken to Meaning workshops. The Release is intended as a waiver of any and all liability and any right of legal action against ATM (Emergent Developmental Concepts Inc.), it’s staff, leaders and volunteers herein referred to as (“Staff”) as a result of any action or omission connected with the design, planning or actual conduct of the course. Participation into the workshops are subject to approval of ATM staff, in its sole discretion.
Assumption of Risk
I understand that the workshops can be emotionally, mentally, and physically demanding. I understand that the workshop hours can be long in duration and can be physically and emotionally strenuous. I understand during the workshops some of the participants and or Staff, may use profanity, or may engage in physical challenges. I understand that not all of the risks associated with the workshop activities are known or foreseeable. I understand that any concepts, motions, ideas, suggestions, and recommendation from ATM that I accept and/or apply to my life, I do of my own free will. I acknowledge that I have assessed my own emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing, and I have concluded that I wish to and am able to participate in the workshops. I agree to disclose any psychological or physical health problem or limitation to staff at the time of application and in any event prior to the workshops commencing. I understand that if my condition could result in any significant harm, the written approval of a licensed therapist may be required as a condition of my participation in the course. I acknowledge and understand that there are emotional, mental, and even physical risks associated with participation in the workshops and I hereby voluntarily assume all of those risks. Upon acceptance into the workshops, I undertake and participate in ATM at my own risk regardless of any disclosures or written approvals and continue to bear sole responsibility for my wellbeing.
Release of Liability
I hereby forever release and hold harmless ATM (Emergent Developmental Concepts Inc.) & Vervaeke Foundation and Scaling Anagoge, ATM staff, their family, heirs and executors from any and all claims, injuries, liabilities, losses, expenses, costs, attorney’s fees, damages, or actions arising from or directly or indirectly related to my participation in the course regardless if the nature of such claims be emotional, mental, psychological or physical.
Psychotherapy Disclosure
I understand that ATM is not a substitute for psychotherapy and is not therapeutic in nature. I understand that I am under no obligation to participate in the ATM workshops and that I do so of my own risk and of my own free will. I, the undersigned, certify that I have read Awaken To Meaning Release of Liability Form and agree and accept the terms as stated above.