Starter Ecology of Practices (SEoP) Self-Practice


Welcome to the SEoP self-practice program. This practice contains 5 modules that cover each (whole and partial) week of a month. Within each module are recordings for each of the four sessions from the SEoP - Authentic Relating, Journaling, Meditation and Embodiment - lead by an SEoP facilitator.

Please be sure to have a look through our SEoP Orientation Guide prior to starting your practice.

SEoP Facilitation Roster (in alphabetical order):

  • Tataya Bailey is the master facilitator for deep-dive intensive retreats (Prisma Leadership) as well as an Integral Certified Coach and Yoga teacher.
  • Taylor Barratt is the director for Practice and Education for the Vervaeke Foundation with thousands of hours of group facilitation experience in relational leadership.
  • Seth Dellinger is the creator of the Grounded Connection program and has training in the Feldenkrais Method and Circling Method.
  • Cristina Feraru is new to group facilitation, with a strong focus on Authentic Relating. She has a clinical background in communication rehabilitation with vulnerable populations, and is transitioning to supporting people in relational flourishing/wellbeing.
  • Ethan Kobayashi-Hsieh works at the intersection between actor training (5ToMidnight International) and 4(+2)E cognitive science and post-Jungian psychoanalysis.
  • Rick Repetti is a professional philosopher (CUNY), mindfulness meditation researcher and philosophical counselor.
  • Kasia Zaraski has been leading and facilitating Authentic Relating since 2019. She also has a background in performance and comedy.

For more information about practice, why to practice and why and ecology of practices, please visit our "Starting Practice" page.

What You'll Learn

  • 01 Week 1

    • 1 Authentic Relating Session (Monday – W1)
    • 2 Journaling Session (Tuesday – W1)
    • 3 Meditation Session (Wednesday – W1)
    • 4 Embodiment Session (Thursday – W1)
  • 02 Week 2

    • 5 Authentic Relating Session (Monday – W2)
    • 6 Journaling Session (Tuesday – W2)
    • 7 Meditation Session (Wednesday – W2)
    • 8 Embodiment Session (Thursday – W2)
  • 03 Week 3

    • 9 Authentic Relating Session (Monday – W3)
    • 10 Journaling Session (Tuesday – W3)
    • 11 Meditation Session (Wednesday – W3)
    • 12 Embodiment Session (Thursday – W3)
  • 04 Week 4

    • 13 Authentic Relating Session (Monday – W4)
    • 14 Journaling Session (Tuesday – W4)
    • 15 Meditation Session (Wednesday – W4)
    • 16 Embodiment Session (Thursday – W4)
  • 05 Week 5

    • 17 Authentic Relating Session (Monday – W5)
    • 18 Journaling Session (Tuesday – W5)
    • 19 Meditation Session (Wednesday – W5)
    • 20 Embodiment Session (Thursday – W5)