May Toronto Intensive Invitation Waitlist
Hi folks, we have an in-person intensive coming up in Toronto! Registration is not yet officially open, and thus we do not have an official write-up, however we are well into the design phase and at the point where it’s time to choose a venue. Your indication of serious interest in attending helps us with this logistical phase.
Here’s what we can tell you so far:
Dates: Monday, May 5th through to Thursday, May 8th, 2025
Times: 9:00am Start, 7:00pm Daily Close (1pm on Thurs) with a 2hr Lunch Break
Format: Non-Residential – participants will be responsible for their own lodging and meals
Location: Toronto – within 5minute walk of public transportation, ideally near several lodging and restaurant options.
Principles (Facilitation/Leadership): John Vervaeke, Taylor Barratt, Ethan Hsieh, Kasia Zaraski and Tataya Bailey (possibly more)
Program: Considering the depth of experience of the design team across the various DIME (Dialog, Imaginal, Mindfulness, Embodiment) dimensions, you can expect us to weave an ecology of practices in service of exploring the horizontal and the vertical dimensions together in fellowship. Expect connection, movement, Socratic exploration and challenge. Our intention is for you to leave seeing yourself, others and the world differently than when you went in.
Pre-requisites: None (though as with all things related to practice, the more experience you have with them, the less novelty and therefore the more easily you can shift your attention and intention to different aspects within them)
Fee: Early Bird – $1,700USD / Full – $2,000USD – Canadians (and others who qualify for the same reason) will get a 20% reduction in price due to the adverse exchange rate. Please note: these amounts could change slightly once we have the venue secured.